Saturday, March 14, 2009

MyBlog: Health

We had our annual physical exam this week. There are more items in the checklist of people 30 and above (a friendly way to remind people they are getting old, I guess). For us, it was scheduled as a 1-day event by the clinic, it came with free lunch (quite good), and an afternoon nap time while waiting for our turn for the doctor to tell us the results, which takes only 10 minutes. It takes a couple of minutes only, if you're healthy and can't speak Japanese. Mine took 10 minutes, but that was expected since I'm already consulting with another English-speaking Japanese doctor in a bigger hospital (榊原記念病院) regarding a hidden bug in me (hidden until now, that is). In fact, I requested that they remove the chest and abdominal x-rays from my checklist since I already had x-rays twice in the past two months.

Let's leave it at that. Suffice to say, I'm trying to get second opinions.

Live healthily and nature still finds a way around your lifestyle, and in the most unexpected way. Reminds me of DragonBall Z - during the Trunks arc, the writer needed a way to dispatch Son Goku so they can create a future world without him (where Trunks came from). I bet he was scratching his head then and pondering how to remove a person that's super healthy and practically invincible. Hehehe. Of course, it's an exageration, I'm not overly healthy, and no, I am not "practically invincible", not even "theoretically invincible". I just like to anthropomorphize nature that way. :p

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